Class of 2022
BS Electrical Engineering
Aspiration Statement
I want to pursue my future as an Electrical Consultant that is focused on advising electrical distribution network solutions. My passions include travelling and observing the growth of the budding entrepreneurs.
Core Skills
- Qualitative Research Skills
- PSSE (Power System Simulator for Engineering) Xplore
- Electric Cable (sizing and selection)
- Python
Leadership / Meta-curricular
- Participation in Young Learners Maths Competition
- Volunteer Logistics in BEACONMUN'17
- 2-day trip to Schneider Electric's factory in Karachi
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Electrical Consultancy - Eleken Associates (June 2021 - August 2021)
- Visited Elkima (transformers manufacturing factory) in Izmir (Turkey)
Publications / Creative Projects
- Research on Satellite Systems
- Research on Turbo generators and their use in energy recovery systems
- Research on Magnetic Air conditioning
Final Year Project
Project Title
Application of Small Hybrid Renewable Energy Technique on High Rise Buildings
Implement the model of VAWT with its speed control on Simulink along with Solar to fulfill the X% demand of a building's load through a smart grid, ensuring safe operation and output result before installing the system at the actual site.